ReQL command: during

Command syntax

time.during(startTime, endTime) → bool


Return whether a time is between two other times.

By default, this is inclusive of the start time and exclusive of the end time. Use the optArgs left_bound and right_bound to explicitly include (closed) or exclude (open) that endpoint of the range.

Example: Retrieve all the posts that were posted between December 1st, 2013 (inclusive) and December 10th, 2013 (exclusive).

    row -> row.g("date").during(r.time(2013, 12, 1, "Z"), r.time(2013, 12, 10, "Z"))

Example: Retrieve all the posts that were posted between December 1st, 2013 (exclusive) and December 10th, 2013 (inclusive).

    row -> row.g("date")
        .during(r.time(2013, 12, 1, "Z"), r.time(2013, 12, 10, "Z"))
        .optArg("left_bound", "open").optArg("right_bound", "closed")

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