ReQL command: delete

Command syntax

table.delete([durability="hard", return_changes=False, ignore_write_hook=False]) → object

selection.delete([durability="hard", return_changes=False, ignore_write_hook=False]) → object

singleSelection.delete([durability="hard", return_changes=False, ignore_write_hook=False]) → object


Delete one or more documents from a table.

The optional arguments are:

  • durability: possible values are hard and soft. This option will override the table or query’s durability setting (set in run). In soft durability mode RethinkDB will acknowledge the write immediately after receiving it, but before the write has been committed to disk.
  • return_changes:
    • True: return a changes array consisting of old_val/new_val objects describing the changes made, only including the documents actually updated.
    • False: do not return a changes array (the default).
    • "always": behave as True, but include all documents the command tried to update whether or not the update was successful. (This was the behavior of True pre-2.0.)
  • ignore_write_hook: If True, and if the user has the config permission, ignores any write hook, which might have prohibited the deletion.

Delete returns an object that contains the following attributes:

  • deleted: the number of documents that were deleted.
  • skipped: the number of documents that were skipped.
    For example, if you attempt to delete a batch of documents, and another concurrent query deletes some of those documents first, they will be counted as skipped.
  • errors: the number of errors encountered while performing the delete.
  • first_error: If errors were encountered, contains the text of the first error.
  • inserted, replaced, and unchanged: all 0 for a delete operation.
  • changes: if return_changes is set to True, this will be an array of objects, one for each objected affected by the delete operation. Each object will have two keys: {"new_val": None, "old_val": <old value>}.

RethinkDB write operations will only throw exceptions if errors occur before any writes. Other errors will be listed in first_error, and errors will be set to a non-zero count. To properly handle errors with this term, code must both handle exceptions and check the errors return value!

Example: Delete a single document from the table comments.


Example: Delete all documents from the table comments.


Example: Delete all comments where the field id_post is 3.

r.table("comments").filter({"id_post": 3}).delete().run(conn)

Example: Delete a single document from the table comments and return its value.


The result will look like:

    "deleted": 1,
    "errors": 0,
    "inserted": 0,
    "changes": [
            "new_val": None,
            "old_val": {
                "id": "7eab9e63-73f1-4f33-8ce4-95cbea626f59",
                "author": "William",
                "comment": "Great post",
                "id_post": 3
    "replaced": 0,
    "skipped": 0,
    "unchanged": 0

Example: Delete all documents from the table comments without waiting for the operation to be flushed to disk.


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