ReQL command: table

Command syntax

db.table(name[, {readMode: 'single', identifierFormat: 'name'}]) → table


Return all documents in a table. Other commands may be chained after table to return a subset of documents (such as get and filter) or perform further processing.

Example: Return all documents in the table ‘marvel’ of the default database.

r.table('marvel').run(conn, callback)

Example: Return all documents in the table ‘marvel’ of the database ‘heroes’.

r.db('heroes').table('marvel').run(conn, callback)

There are two optional arguments.

  • readMode: One of three possible values affecting the consistency guarantee for the table read:
    • single returns values that are in memory (but not necessarily written to disk) on the primary replica. This is the default.
    • majority will only return values that are safely committed on disk on a majority of replicas. This requires sending a message to every replica on each read, so it is the slowest but most consistent.
    • outdated will return values that are in memory on an arbitrarily-selected replica. This is the fastest but least consistent.
  • identifierFormat: possible values are name and uuid, with a default of name. If set to uuid, then system tables will refer to servers, databases and tables by UUID rather than name. (This only has an effect when used with system tables.)

Example: Allow potentially out-of-date data in exchange for faster reads.

r.db('heroes').table('marvel', {readMode: 'outdated'}).run(conn, callback)

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