Announcing RethinkDB 2.4.0: Night Of The Living Dead
We’re pleased to announce the availability of the long-awaited release: RethinkDB 2.4.0 (Night Of The Living Dead). This update includes a range of bug fixes, stability improvements, new features, and more. For a complete list of changes in this update, you can refer to the release notes. To learn more about what else going on around RethinkDB, please read our latest blog post. Here are some of the highlights of this release:
- Write hooks - attach to tables a function that can modify the behavior of any write
- Bitwise operations - allows basic bitwise operations such as AND, NOT, OR, XOR, SAL and SAR
- Permitted the hyphen character to be used in table names
- Improved table page performance in the case with many databases
Please note that we’re using a new signing key for the packages in our APT repository. Before you upgrade to the latest packages on Debian or Ubuntu, you will need to fetch the new public key.
$ apt-key adv --keyserver keys.gnupg.net --recv-keys "539A 3A8C 6692 E6E3 F69B 3FE8 1D85 E93F 801B B43F"
Although the codename of the release is “Night Of The Living Dead”, as it is proven, RethinkDB is alive and we are working towards the release of RethinkDB 2.5, our next major version.
As we said before, we honestly could not have gotten back on track if it was not for the persistent support of this community. Thank you all!
Get involved
As an open-source project that is developed and financially supported by its users, RethinkDB welcomes your participation. If there’s a feature or improvement that you would like to see, you can help us make it a reality. If you’d like to join us, there are many ways that you can get involved.
Learn how to contribute to RethinkDB and find us on Slack, Discord, Twitter, or Freenode (#rethinkdb).