Contribute to RethinkDB
RethinkDB is an open-source software project run by volunteers. We depend on participation and financial support from the community to make the project healthy and successful. We're delighted that you want to help us move RethinkDB forward.
Become a contributor
There are many ways to contribute to the project. Although a working knowledge of C++ is necessary for contributing to the development of the database itself, there are many other essential components in the RethinkDB ecosystem that can benefit from users and developers with diverse backgrounds and skill sets. Here are some ways that you can help:
- Add new features and improvements to the database
- Improve RethinkDB's frontend web interface and other administrative tools
- Identify, report, triage, and fix bugs in RethinkDB and its subprojects
- Draft and edit documentation for RethinkDB and its subprojects
- Maintain and improve our testing and build tooling
- Develop and maintain client libraries for various programming languages (JavaScript, Python, Ruby, Java, and many more languages)
- Build integrations between RethinkDB and useful third-party software
- Build libraries and frameworks for RethinkDB users