Rethinking temperature, sensors, and Raspberry Pi
Getting started on your first hardware project can be difficult. Luckily these days we have things like the Raspberry Pi. which put almost everything we need into a nice bundled package to get started on your first cool hardware project. Even better, the Raspberry Pi runs Rasbian, a variant of Debian, which makes it pretty familiar with those already comfortable with popular Linux distributions. The next step is to connect a sensor and it’s definitely easier than you think. But the question always remains, once I’m collecting my data, where will I store it and how do I easily setup some sort of notification service? In this post, I’ll tell you what you need to do to connect your first sensor, get RethinkDB going on your Raspberry Pi, and push that data to all your devices using PushBullet.
I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do for my first hardware project but having a Raspberry Pi gave me a great place to start. I knew though that if I kept worrying about voltages and GPIO pins I would never get started. So I took a leap and went to Adafruit.com and purchased my first temperature and humidity sensor. I choose the AM2302 because of the support I found on the Adafruit website and the special Python-wrapped C libraries which Adafruit had already written and put up on Github.
You too can finish your project this fast!
After my sensor arrived, I realized the three cables coming from the sensor couldn’t be directly connected to the Raspberry Pi as the GPIO pins are just that, pins. Where somewhere In my mind I had figured they were female connectors. Not wanting to dive into soldering and burn my fingers or play with molten metal, I decided that I would much rather ride my bike out to Fry’s and get some female-female jumper cables for a couple bucks.
Getting started working with the GPIO pins is also somewhat challenging. As I had already lost my Raspberry Pi instructions within the first 30 seconds of opening the box. Were there any instructions in there anyway? Luckily, the Internet is fully of documentation on the layout of the GPIO pins for each version of the Raspberry Pi. My Raspberry Pi 2 being somewhat different than the previous two. Make sure when wiring up your project that you follow a pinout guide such as this one. Plugging the wires in the wrong places can render your Raspberry Pi unusable, so check twice and plug once!
For reference, I am using BCM pin #22 (not physical pin 22!) for the data port in my future examples.
Getting RethinkDB setup on the Raspberry Pi
I wish I could say that this part of the process took unprecedented hacker skill or intelligence beyond measure on my part, but it’s actually a piece of cake.
Following the [directions here][install_rethinkdb] and assuming you have Rasbian (or other Debian deviant) on your Raspberry Pi you should be good to go. The process takes a couple hours to compile RethinkDB from source (I’m working on the .deb package for ARM). If you have a Raspberry Pi 2 there’s a few modifications that you can make to utilize the extra cores to expedite this process.
I’ve written this quick Github Gist to download and compile on your Raspbery Pi
- If you come across a
virtual memory exhausted
error, you need to increase the swap space by following these instructions. Increasing your swap size to 512MB should be fine but do not forget to change this value back to 100MB once you have successfully compiled RethinkDB.
sudo apt-get install g++ protobuf-compiler libprotobuf-dev libboost-dev curl m4 wget | |
#At this point make sure you check to see that 2.0.4 is still the most recent version of RethinkDB! http://rethinkdb.com | |
wget http://download.rethinkdb.com/dist/rethinkdb-latest.tgz | |
tar xf rethinkdb-latest.tgz | |
rm rethinkdb-latest.tgz | |
cd rethinkdb-* | |
./configure --with-system-malloc --allow-fetch | |
#Export the proper C++ flags for Raspberry Pi 1/2 | |
export CXXFLAGS="-mfpu=neon-vfpv4 -mcpu=native -march=native -mfloat-abi=hard" | make -j3 ALLOW_WARNINGS=1 | |
sudo make install |
You can automatically run the script by just copy and pasting this line into your Raspberry Pi 2 terminal:
curl -sL https://gist.githubusercontent.com/dalanmiller/2365fb938fe61f4761c1/raw/22c8c138b48259b3031dfab5edf2f7ece043ee3c/download_rethinkdb_for_raspberry_pi_2.sh | sh
Once it’s complete, you want to make sure that RethinkDB start when your
RethinkDB powers up. To do that, you want to edit the /etc/rc.local
file to
look like this:
#!/bin/sh -e
# rc.local
# This script is executed at the end of each multiuser runlevel.
# Make sure that the script will "exit 0" on success or any other
# value on error.
# In order to enable or disable this script just change the execution
# bits.
# By default this script does nothing.
# Print the IP address
_IP=$(hostname -I) || true
if [ "$_IP" ]; then
printf "My IP address is %s\n" "$_IP"
rethinkdb --bind all --server-name rbpi_rethinkdb -d /home/pi --daemon
exit 0
To get RethinkDB running right now, just run this same command you’ve added:
rethinkdb --bind all --server-name rbpi_rethinkdb -d /home/pi --daemon
The code
After you have the hardware setup and where you want it, the rest is a piece of
cake. I’ve written two scripts that will get this project running. The first
will be scheduled to run using cron
and the second will be constantly
listening for updates to the database to push them out to you via the PushBullet
The cron job
This code assumes you have installed the rethinkdb
and Adafruit_DHT
Everything else used is in the standard Python libraries.
To install the RethinkDB Python driver it’s as easy as:
pip install rethinkdb
#Or if you don't have pip installed: sudo easy_install pip
To install the Adafruit_DHT modules, first clone this repository. Then run python setup.py install
from within the
repository directory itself.
The following script is what will be called via a cron
job to collect
temperature and humidity data. We don’t need to manually create the database and
table as the script will check for their existence and create them if necessary.
Either copy paste this gist or git clone
this URL.
import socket | |
import rethinkdb as r | |
import time | |
import Adafruit_DHT | |
import datetime | |
import logging | |
import sys | |
logging.basicConfig( | |
level=logging.INFO, | |
format='%(asctime)s %(name)-12s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s', | |
datefmt='%m-%d %H:%M' | |
) | |
sensor = Adafruit_DHT.AM2302 | |
pin = 22 | |
HOSTNAME = socket.gethostname() | |
DB_HOST = "" | |
DB_PORT = 28015 | |
DB_NAME = "telemetry_pi" | |
logging.info("Attempting db connection...") | |
conn = r.connect(DB_HOST, DB_PORT, DB_NAME) | |
logging.info("Successful DB connection") | |
logging.info("Checking if db exists") | |
if DB_NAME not in list(r.db_list().run(conn)): | |
logging.info("db does not exist, creating...") | |
r.db_create(DB_NAME).run(conn) | |
logging.info("db exists") | |
logging.info("Checking to see if table exists") | |
if 'observations' not in list(r.table_list().run(conn)): | |
logging.info("table does not exist, creating...") | |
r.table_create("observations").run(conn) | |
logging.info("table exists") | |
conn.close() | |
logging.info("Attempting to read from sensor") | |
humidity, temperature = Adafruit_DHT.read_retry(sensor, pin) | |
if humidity is not None and temperature is not None: | |
conn = r.connect(DB_HOST, DB_PORT, DB_NAME) | |
timezone = time.strftime("%z") | |
reql_tz = r.make_timezone(timezone[:3] + ":" + timezone[3:]) #You need to modify this if you are not in Pacific Standard Time! | |
r.table("observations").insert(dict( | |
hostname=HOSTNAME, | |
temp=temperature, | |
humidity=humidity, | |
datetime=datetime.datetime.now(reql_tz) | |
)).run(conn, durability='soft') #Soft durability since losing one observation wouldn't be the end of the world. | |
conn.close() | |
logging.info("Successful sensor read (Temp: {:+.2f}, Humid: {:+.2f}) and insert into DB.".format( | |
temperature, humidity)) |
To add this as a cron
job, enter sudo crontab -e
on your Raspberry Pi 2. My
at this moment looks like this:
* * * * * sudo python ~/pusherRethinkDB.py
This runs the script every minute, for every hour, for every day of the week, for every day of the month, for every day of the week. To run this
less frequently you would change the first asterisk to something like */5
every five minutes or */15
to run every fifteen minutes. For more background
on what cron
is and how it works, you should check out Cron on Wikipedia or the Ubuntu documentation on Cron.
To make sure the script works properly and to generate the necessary database and table within RethinkDB for the project, just run:
#'sudo' is necessary here to access the GPIO pins
sudo python ~/pusherRethinkDB.py
If your script hangs at Attempting to read from sensor
, then you should double
check your jumper wires to make sure that they are connected firmly.
The changefeed whisperer
The other script we are going to run is the one listening to a RethinkDB changefeed and pushing an alert to you when a temperature read is too high or too low. Because of the asynchronous nature of changefeeds, Javascript/Node.js is a natural fit that is easy to follow in terms of logic thanks to the uses of Promises.
To run this code you’ll first need to install Node.js and npm
. The easiest way
to do that is to first add the nodesource.com PPA to your APT repositories and
then install node
and npm
curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup | sudo bash -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs npm
Then we need to install the necessary packages for the script from npm
sudo npm install -g pushbullet rethinkdb forever bluebird
In order to push notifications for this project I decided to use PushBullet.
PushBullet is a text | link | file notification service and has extensions for
browsers (Chrome, Safari,
Firefox) and nice native apps for both
iOS and Android, as well as a simple
developer API. Truly, an easy five-minute message and notification queue for all
your projects. Before you can use the API you need to sign up for an account, and then grab your access token from the account page. Then just copy paste this into a file in the
same directory as your watcherRethinkDB.js
in a file named token
will expect to find this file and read it to find your
Now that we have all of our node.js dependencies installed, we can now run the
script. Once again, you can copy and paste this gist or
git clone
from this URL on your RBPi. Just make sure that the
script is referenced correctly further along.
var r = require("rethinkdb"); | |
var Promise = require("bluebird"); | |
var fs = require("fs"); | |
var PushBullet = require('pushbullet'); | |
Promise.promisifyAll(fs); | |
fs.readFileAsync("token").then(function(val) { | |
PUSHER = new PushBullet(val.toString().trim()); | |
}) | |
.then(function(){ | |
return r.connect({ | |
host: "dalanmiller-pi.local", | |
port: 28015, | |
db: "telemetry_pi" | |
}); | |
}) | |
.then(function(conn){ | |
console.log("Successful RethinkDB connection made, starting changefeed...") | |
return r.table("observations").pluck("datetime", "temp").changes()("new_val").run(conn); | |
}) | |
.then(function(changes) { | |
changes.each(function(err, change){ | |
formattedTemp = change.temp.toFixed(5).toString() | |
console.log("TEMPERATURE: " + change.temp + formattedTemp); | |
if(change.temp > 30){ | |
console.log("Too hot!"); | |
PUSHER.note("", "It's burning up!", formattedTemp, handleResponse); | |
} else if(change.temp < 5){ | |
console.log("Too cold!"); | |
PUSHER.note("", "It's freezing!", formattedTemp, handleResponse); | |
} else { | |
console.log("Just fine!"); | |
PUSHER.note("", "Temperature Nominal!", formattedTemp, handleResponse); | |
} | |
}); | |
}); | |
handleResponse = function(response){ | |
console.log(response); | |
} |
We can set this up to start on bootup of the Raspberry Pi easily by adding
another line to cron
. cron
has a few special shortcut commands and the one
for the job here is @reboot
which says to run a command only at reboot and not
until the next reboot. So sudo crontab -e
once more and add the following
@reboot forever start ~/watcherRethinkDB.js
Typically, you execute node files by running node script.js
but we are going
to use the forever
utility which will ensure that even if our
crashes, it will automatically restart it . To get it
going right now, just run:
forever start ~/watcherRethinkDB.js
Finalizing your first sensor setup
Lastly, we are going to give your setup a whirl. Reboot your Raspberry Pi and then get back to the command line. Let’s check if the watcher script is running:
ps -ef | grep node
You should see something similar to this:
pi@dalanmiller-pi ~ $ ps -ef | grep forever
pi 3155 1 14 13:46 ? 00:00:02 /usr/bin/nodejs /usr/lib/node_modules/forever/bin/monitor watcherRethinkDB.js
Now, I recommend leaving the portion of the script that will push you a message even at a nominal temperature uncommented out just to make sure it works and comment it out once you get a message through PushBullet as to not spam you with “The temperature is totally fine.” Once you get that message once, you’ve finished baking your first Raspberry Pi project!
One hard part of figuring out a project is the real-world use case. But there are really countless places where having a temperature sensor could be handy:
- Making sure your pets aren’t too cold or warm at home.
- Are your water pipes on the verge of freezing while you’re on vacation?
- Keeping an optimal temperature in your greenhouse or small gardening experiment.
- Monitoring a basement or home areas near water for humidity and possible mold.
- Find out if a pesky family member is turning up the heat in the middle of summer.
Now that you have RethinkDB going on your Pi, you have an easy way to not only be notified when the temperature hits a desired threshold but also a way to easily query all collected data without burying yourself in text logs or worrying about losing your data when your Raspberry Pi resets.
Need help or advice on how to setup your Pi or connect to your Pi wirelessly?
Or just advice on your project? Hit me (@dalanmiller) up on Twitter.
The sixth sensor (going further)
Later on you may want to come back and do some analyses on the temperature or humidity observations you’ve collected. Here are some examples of advanced queries that could help get you bootstrapped a little faster.
#!/usr/bin/python | |
import rethinkdb as r | |
from datetime import datetime, timedelta | |
conn = r.connect("localhost", 28015, db="telemetry_pi") | |
## | |
#Finding the average temperature & humidity for the past 24 hours | |
## | |
day_ago = datetime.now() - timedelta(hours=24) | |
cursor = r.table("observations")\ | |
.filter(r.row("datetime") > day_ago))\ | |
"avg_humidity": r.avg(r.row("temp")), | |
.merge({ | |
"avg_temperature": r.avg(r.row("humidity")) | |
}).run(conn) | |
## | |
#Finding the hottest observations per day (or a _single_ maxima for each day) | |
## | |
cursor = r.table("observations").group( | |
lambda doc: return [ | |
doc('datetime').year(), | |
doc('datetime').month(), | |
doc('datetime').day() | |
])\ | |
.max("temp")\ | |
.ungroup()\ | |
["reduction"] | |
## | |
#Finding some basic statistics and calculating a simple linear regression (y_humidity = alpha + beta_temp * temp) | |
## | |
# https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simple_linear_regression | |
# https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pearson_product-moment_correlation_coefficient | |
## | |
#To dramatically shorten queries | |
obs = r.db("telemetry_pi").table("observations") | |
#Start with initial object containing calculations that don't have dependencies | |
r.object( | |
#Sums | |
"sum_humidity", obs.sum("humidity"), | |
"sum_temp", obs.sum("temp"), | |
#Averages | |
"avg_humidity", obs.avg("humidity"), | |
"avg_temp", obs.avg("temp"), | |
#Sum of Squares | |
"sumsq_humidity",obs["humidity"].map(lambda d: return d * d).sum(), | |
"sumsq_temp", obs["temp"].map(lambda d: return d * d ).sum(), | |
"sum_products_temp_humidity", r.map( | |
obs["temp"], | |
obs["humidity"], | |
lambda temp, humidity: | |
return temp * humidity | |
).sum(), | |
#n (for convenience) | |
"n", obs.count() | |
#Now calculate beta estimator and standard deviations and Pearson correlation | |
).do( lambda doc: | |
//Calculate the squared averages | |
return doc.merge({ | |
#Estimated beta for temperature | |
"beta_hat": | |
#Numerator | |
((doc("n") * doc("sum_products_temp_humidity")) - (doc("sum_humidity") * doc("sum_temp"))) / | |
#Denominator | |
(doc("n") * doc("sumsq_temp")) - (doc("sum_temp") * doc("sum_temp")) | |
, | |
#Standard Deviation calculations | |
"sd_humidity": obs["humidity"].map( lambda d: | |
return (d - doc("avg_humidity") * d - doc("avg_humidity")) | |
).avg().do(r.js('(function(x) { return Math.sqrt(x); })')), | |
"sd_temperature": obs["temp"].map( lambda d: | |
return (d - doc("avg_temp") * d - doc("avg_temp")) | |
).avg().do(r.js('(function(x) { return Math.sqrt(x); })')), | |
#Correlation calculation | |
"temp_humidity_correlation": | |
doc("sum_products_temp_humidity") / ((doc("sumsq_temp") * doc("sumsq_humidity")).do(r.js('(function(x) { return Math.sqrt(x); })'))) | |
}) | |
#Finally calculate alpha estimator | |
).do(lambda doc: | |
return doc.merge({ | |
"alpha_hat": | |
((r.expr(1) / doc("n")) * doc("sum_humidity")) - (doc("beta_hat") * (r.expr(1) / doc("n")) * doc("sum_temp")) | |
}); | |
).run(conn) |