Docker introduces official RethinkDB repository
Our friends at Docker recently added an official RethinkDB repository to the Docker Hub. They announced the new repo in a blog post yesterday, highlighting RethinkDB alongside several other prominent open source projects.
Docker is a tool that helps automate deployments. It takes advantage of platform-level container technology to make it easy to compose isolated software components in a reproducible way. A growing number of infrastructure-related tools, ranging from self-hosted PaaS environments to cluster management systems, are built around the Docker ecosystem.
You can run the following command to deploy RethinkDB from Docker’s official repository:
$ docker run -d -P --name rethink1 rethinkdb
The images used in the official RethinkDB repository are maintained by community member Stuart Bentley, who is also responsible for the RethinkDB Dokku plugin that we wrote about last year.
After you get a RethinkDB container up and running with Docker, head over to our handy ten-minute guide to learn how to build applications with RethinkDB.