Become a RethinkDB contributor

I'm contributing my own changes:

Individual contributors

I'm contributing on behalf of a company / organization:

Corporate contributors

Why is this agreement necessary?

We very much appreciate your wanting to contribute to RethinkDB, but we need to add you to the contributors list first. Note that the following agreement is not a transfer of copyright ownership, this simply is a license agreement for contributions. You also do not change your rights to use your own contributions for any other purpose.For some background on why contributor license agreements are necessary, you can read FAQs from many other open source projects:

This is part of the legal framework of the open-source ecosystem that adds some red tape, but protects both the contributor and the company / foundation behind the project. It also gives us the option to relicense the code with a more permissive license in the future.If you have more questions, shoot us an email or drop by #rethinkdb on IRC.